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#TET 5** $74-prefer PROPH As a burden carrying man carries the burden takipg* (it) up on his shoulder-pannjer similarly the soul carries the burden of his karmas in the pannier of his body.
Acharya Kundakunda has explained the theory of karmic bondage in his Panchastikaya thus.
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___ सुहुमेहिं बादरेहि य गंताणतेहिं विविहेहि ॥७० ।। With material bodies of form, perceptible anp imperceptible, infinite of infinites in number, and of multifarious kinds of constitution, the world is in every respect filled without interspaces.
The particular types of matter called karmanvarganas have a tendency to be attracted by Jivas.
प्रत्ता कुणदि सहावं तत्थ गदा पोग्गला सभावेहिं ।
गच्छंति कम्मभावं अण्णोण्णा-गाह-मवगाढ़ा ।।७।। Jiva as determined by its own nature creates its own changes. But existing in the same place there are karmic molecules, which get inseparably bound with the Jiva and assume the form of karmas.
The mental states of an impure character create a sort of adhesive quality in Jiva. The karmic molecules cling to Jiva and the Jiva gets adulterated with karmic matter. As a concomitant of the psychic states, karmic matter undergoes modifications in its own way.