- Whatever is beneficial to the self is barmful to the body, on the other hand whatever is useful to the body is harmful to the self. परः परस्ततो दुःख मात्मैवात्मा ततः सुखम् ।
प्रतएव महात्मानस्त निमित्तं कृतोद्यमाः ।।४५॥ Objects different from the self are non-self and they produce pain, but the self is indistinct from soul; therefore the ego is the cause of happiness. Because of this the great personages make efforts for self-realization. भारंभे तापकान्प्राप्तावतृप्तिप्रतिपादकान् ।
मन्ते सुदुस्त्यजान्कामान् कामं कः सेवते सुधीः ॥१७॥ Why will any wise person indulge himself in carnal pleasures which cause miseries at the outset, enkindle dissatisfaction on the attainment of desired objects and ultimately are extremely painful at the time of parting ? विपत्ति मात्मनो मूढः परेषामिब नेक्षते ।
दह्यमान-मृमाकीर्ण-वनान्तरतरुस्थवत् ॥१४॥ The ignorant does not reflect by seeing the distress of others, he acts like the fool seated on the top of a tree in the midst of a burning forest, wherein deer and other creatures perish being burnt in the fire.
संयम्य करणग्राममेकाग्रत्वेन चेतसः ।
मात्माममात्मवान् ध्यायेत् भात्मनवात्मनि स्थितम् ॥२२॥ Controlling his senses with concentrated mind the self should meditate upon the Atman, which resides in the self by means of his self.