Jain Mitra Mandala Delhi is much indebted to Shri Nemichand Jaia Delhi for bis generosity is financing this publication. Shri Jain is a man of charitable disposition and religious temperament. His charities are remarkable because of his most modern and cultured outlook, Getting guidance from the culturod and erudite Digamber Jain Muni Upadhyaya 108 Poojya Vidyanandji Maharaj, Shri Jain has honoured by his humble present of 2500/-each several Jain Scholars of eminonoe on the historical occasion of Bhagwan Mabavira's 2500th Nirvana Celebrations. Shri Jain's munificience is unique since he had presented the sum of Ra, 2500/- to the author of this book Vidwat-Ratna Pt. Diwakarji for his best biography depicting the life of the greatest saint of this age 108 Charitra Chakravarty Shaoti Sagar Acharya Maharaj, who is venerated and respectfully remembered by all Digamber saints, Acharyas, Aryikas (nuns) and members of Jain Community.
It is worthy of aote that Shri Nemichandji is very humble and noble like his renowned father Lala Qabul Singhji. His brothers late Shri Raghubir Singh and late Shri Deputymal Jain were very pious and noble. They had rendered laudable services to the Jains and religious institutions. Alas, they are no more because of their premature deaths. To perpetuate the memory of his brothers, Shri Nemichand Jain accepted our suggestion for bearing the entiro cost of publishing this sacred and opportune erudite work.