the helm of affairs. He credites, destroys and recres ates. The entire world danóes attendance to Hi sweet wishes. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Enjoyer of transcendental bliss. ."
Jain thinkers do not agree with this idea. The rational mind is at a loss to understand why Good, Happy, Great, Omnipotent and Omniscient God created the world which is full of sufferings, inoqualities and barbarities as the lot of the majority of its creatures ?. .
The argument that every object has a creator is not of universal application. When the world-crea tor is belived to be self-existent, why not the same logic be applicable to other objects as well ? If the world was looked after by Benevolent, Merciful, Omniscient and Omnipotent Lord of the Universe, the harrowing and horrifying calamities like earthquake, destruction by flood and similar catastrophies involving the loss of innumerable innocent and poor beings should have been easily averted. In view of the occurrence of such tragic incidents the rational mind has to admit that this sort of working of the universe does not depend upon the sweet wishes or directives of the Supreme, Benevolent and Merciful Lord. Therefore, we have to accept the self-existent nature of the universe.
This does not mean that the Jains do not believe in the existence of God or Parmatman. They do believe in the existence of God or Parmatman the Pure and Passionless Soul, who is Perfect and