54 MAHĀVĪRA : HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS - Mahāvīra was one of the great teachers of mankind He was indeed one of those teachers through whom the problem of the perfection of man came to be recognized as the highest problem before progressive humanity All the rules of religious life which he had enjoined, were intended to be a practical aid to the attainment of perfection of the self He did not preach to others what he had not practised himself. The goal set before mankind was the blissfulness of the entire being which could not be bought by the wealth and pomp and power of the world. This happy state is to be attained through patience, forbearance, self-denial, forgiveness, humanity, compassion, and consideration, in short, sufferings and sacrifice, love and kindness If he died, he died to live as an eternal personality. Before we close this short account of his life, it may repay our labours to briefly recount the impress of his personality on the life and civilization of India of his time “Ahimsā or non-harming is the very first principle Zof higher life that he inculcated to his disciples and followers The visible effect of ahimsă was sought to be proved by a practical demonstration. It was sought to be shown how even such brute creation as the beasts and birds, reptiles and