objects of the senses and not careless. A wise man who knows the world and has cast off the idea of the world should prudently do away with the destructions to righteousness. A liberated man conquers wrath, pride, deceit, greed, and passion. He should avoid wrath, pride, deceit, greed, love, hatred, delusion, conception, birth, death, hell, animal existence, and pain A wise man should not be inflamed by wrath. A man who exerts himself and is of a steady mind without attachment, unmoved by passion and having no worldly desires, should lead the life of an ascetic
A monk or a nun on a begging tour should not accept alms which are impure and unacceptable. He or she should not attend any festive entertainment Food placed on a platform or any such elevated place should not be accepted. Food placed on vegetable or animal matter, unripe wild rice, sediments of liquor, raw plants, and raw substances should not be accepted. He or she should not accept clothes which are full of living beings, but should accept clothes that are fit, strong, and lasting. A monk or a nun should not accept a bowl which a layman has bought. He or she should not accept very expensive bowl, made of tin, silver, gold, brass, mother-of-pearl, etc.