jurarily used for such Jain religions purposes as the trustees forj time being may deem meet. Provided further that Digambari Jain (Travellers) may be allowed to lodge in the Dlarınshala free of rent. Provided further that any person of Jain religion desiring to build a Digambar Jain Dera (temple on the premises hereby granted or intended so to be at his own cost expenses may be allow. ed to do so subject to such terins and conditions as to site and style of building as may be laid down by the trustees. But na such person shall have any right whatever over the suid temple after it is built and completed but the saine shall vest in the trustees and only the ceremonies relating to the Jain Digamber religiou shall be allowe! to be perforureel in the temple. That the kuid trustees shall be at liberty to accept and take such wu or Mills of one which shall be given by Any Jain towards the purposes of the said trust and such mimies shall form a part of this trust estate,
That the trustees for the time being of these presents shall ap point a Managing Committee which shall from time to time make such rules and regulations in l uct of the proper uul better management of the said Boarding house. Dharmıstada, and Teinpole is built as they shall think fit and proper.
That there shall be Managing Committee for the purposes aforesait which shall consist of the trusties for the tine being of i bese presents and of such other persons from time to time as may be elected by such trustees out of the Jains following Digamber Jain religion.
That there shall always be tro trustees out of the Male descendants of the said llirachand Gumanji and if there shall be no male dexerindent of the said lfirachani Gumanji, such two trustees shall be appointed from the nearest relation of the said Hirachand Gumanji. Provided always that if at any time the said land hereditaments or premises or any part thereof shall he taken by the Government for any public purpose under any Law for the time being in force the amount of compensation that may be given for the same or any part thereof shall be applied for the ends, intents and purposes afore-said. That the number of the trustees shall be at least six and shall not exceed eight. That Sheth Pana. chand Hirachand shall be the Chairman of the first trustees and