even in a small measure, the author will consider his labours rewarded. It is hoped that the present attempt would open various new avenues of study and research in this vast subject.
Words are inadequate to express the debt of gratitude the author owes to Dr. A. N. Upadhye, the General Editor of this publication. But for his kind encouragement to undertake and complete the study, this book would never have seen the light of day. In spite of his onerous preoccupations he volunteered to go through the Press copy and corrected the proofs more than once. With unswerving zeal and perseverence he pushed the work through under various difficulties. The author is equally beholden to the trustees of the Jivarāja Jaina Granthamālā for their interest in publishing this volume of abstruse studies. Thanks are due to Shri S. H. Ritti M. A., of the Epigraphic Branch, for preparing the Index.
Ootacamund 15th August 1957)