the Vasupujyacharita in Anabilavāda in V. S. 1299 (or A D. 1243 ). ().
Dharavarsha, King of Mt. Abu and a foudatory of the king of Anahilayāda, composed the Pārthaparākramavyayoga, founded Pralhadanapura (Palaapura), and built the Palhavibāra, a Jail temple, in that city.(x).
Appendix to chapter II Stories about the Intercourse of
Hemasūri and Kumarapāla The Jain Chroniclers relate many stories describing Hemasûri's relations to his friend and pupil Kumārapala. Most of these stories show Hemasūri's erudition, bis skilfulness in warding off the attack of envious Brabmins and his miraculous powers, and Kumărapăla's devotion to Jainism In & short work like this, it is not possible to go into their details. But they are quoted here, in brief, for the sake of completion.
The first story related by Prabhachandra, the earliest chronicler, informs us of a miraculous transformation of the ordinary palm-leaves into Sritāla leaves (Prabhavakacharsta, XXII, 706–16). The second story in the Prabhāvakacharsta
(W) Velazakára, No, 2772; Desai, Loc cit., pp. 392-3. (X) Desai, loc. cit., p. 343,
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