dying without leaving 8 child 36 This account is confirmed by the Duyās'raya, the Mahaviracharita and the Kirtakaumudr.37
Like & skilful missionary, Hemasűri had, st first, not insisted upon the more particular doctrines of Jainism, but had confined his attention to the teaching of the common principles of Hinduism and Jainism, When, however, he scored victory in his work, he proceeded tu instruct the king in the particular doctrines of his faith He told the king that · Arbet' yas omnipotent, omniscient and free from internal enemies, and should, therefore, be Forshipped in eight different ways.**
After explaining 'devatattva' to the king, Hemasūri proceeded to explain Dharmatattra and 'gurutattva' He told Kumarapala that there yere four main forms of 'Dharmatattra '- Dana' ( generosity ), Sila ( good conduct ), Tapa (penance ) and Bbávaná (good intention ) and dwelt at great length upon the three sub-divisions of
36 Somaprabha, Kumārapalapratıbodha, p 114. 37 Dvyāšraya, XX, 36-85 Kırtıhaumudi, II, 43; Maharracharita, XII, 14
38 Somaprabha, Kumārapalapratibodha, PP. 117, 122, 129-30.