· It is difficult to say who this Ballala was. We also do not know how he booame the king of Malwa. He was probably one of the rebels who took advantage of anarchy in Malvā after Yašoyarman's death and seized the reins of Government Mr. D. K. Shastri fancies that Ballala who was killed by Kumarapala’s general was the Hoysala king Ballala of Dwarasamudra who lived between V. S. 1229 and 1268 ( A. D. 1173 and 1212 ), but it seems to be a mistake, 14 because the victory over Ballála was won before V. Ş. 1208 or A. D. 1151-2 and contemporary evidence clearly proves that Ballála was killed in the battle.
It seems, however, equally probable that Balaladeva may be another name for Jayavarman, successor of Yašovarman because the Vadanagara Prasasti takes credit for destroying him.15
Other evidence shows that Anna and Ballala were defeated before V. S. 1207 and 1208 rospectively. 15A pala (G. I., VIII, p. 221 ), Kerti Kaumudi, II, 48; Vasanta Vilasa, III, 29.
14 Gujaratano Madhyakaling Rajputa Itihasa, II, P. 210. 16 E, I., VIII, p. 211.
15A. Bharatake Prachina Rajavamsa, I, p. 2423. Vadanagara Prasasti.