Chapter II.
Bhimadeva I was the great-grandfather of Kumārapāla. He had a son named Kshenarīja or Harapāla who bad married Sutārā, a daughter of the king of Marudeśa. Kshemaraja, a lover of art and religion, had & son named Devaprasda who was a great donor. The latter had a son named Tribhuvanapala who had three son8 Mabipala, Kirtipala and Kumarapala and two daughters Premaladevi and Devaladevi.'
I Ojha, Rajputanaka Itrhasa, I, p. 218, f. 3; Duyao óraya, 18, 70-2.
According to the bards, Siddharāja had seven 8008. Their evidence, however cannot weigh against that oL the Duyāsraya (XV, 55 ) which clearly says that Siddharāja had no son.
According to Tod, Kumărapăla originally belongee to the Chobana race and adopted the family name