halpadruma in S 1186 (A. D 1129-30). In the same year, Dhavala beard him expound
parıgrahapramāna' He was honoured by the King of Sākambhari, a feudatory of Jayasimha St This Sākambhari King was Vigraharaja Visaladeva III who conferred upon our author the title of Vadiohudamanı. In S 1181 (AD 1124-5), the Sūrı performed the opening ceremony of a Jain temple in Falodh1.85 His pupil Yaśobhadrasūri wrote the Gadyagodāvari 86
Mahendrasūri composed the Narmadasundarzhatha in V. S. 1187 (A D. 1130-31 ) at the request of his pupil. The work describes the pabatnya of Šila (conduct) 87
Amradeyasūri, pupil of Jinachandrasūri of Brihadgatchba, wrote the ākhyānamanshoshavrstt: in V. S. 1190 (A, D 1133-4) The work is a commentary on the Akhyānamanrhosha of Nomiobandra. It was commenced in Yasonagasothavasati and completed in Dhavalakkapura (Dholakā). Nemichandra, Gunākara and Pārsvadevagani helped him in the work which was completed in about nine months.
83 Peterson, V, 107. 84 Hiralal Hansraja, Jain History, p 68, 85 Peterson, IV, 100. 86 Peterson, WI, 262 87 Jesalmere catalogus, 54, 88 Peterson, Ul., 18.