the Digambaras in case of their defeat, while the Digambaras were to leave Gujarat for the Deccan if they were vanquished.3s
The questions at issue were whether women and monks who put on clothes could liberato themselves Devasüri maintained that women could liberate themselves, as liberation depended upon a person possessing Sattva and vomen were known to possess great sattva. Instances were quoted from the Sastras, of Sītā and others, and as contemporary evidence, the name of queen-mother Mayanalladevī vas mentioned. In the course of the debate, Kumudachandra challenged the propriety of the word kotākoti' used by Devasūri; he was, however, silenced by Kákala who said that the justification of the three words "kotākoti', kotikoti' and 'kotikoti' was established, being set forth in the grammar of Sākatāyana.39
The debate lasted for 16 days. At the end of the 16th day, Kumudachandra acknowledged his defeat and had to leave the city of Anahilapura according to the terms of agreement.“
38 Ibid. pp 166–67. 39 Kávyānušāsana, II, P COLui; Prabandhachintamani, pp. 166-7. 40 Ibid, pp. 166-7.