their learning, he invited many of them to his assembly of the learned and treated them as his personal friends. Among his learned friends, tas Vīrācbarya, & Jain monk,
According to the Prabhāvalacharzia, Jayasimha, in the course of a friendly conversation, told Vīrācbārya that the greatness of the learned depended upon royal patronage. Virācbarya's selfrespect was founded and so he went to Pålı in Mlārwar. Jayasimba repented for his conduct and requested the Sûri to return to bis capital Viráchörga did so after an extensire tour in different parts of India, in course of which he defeated sereral dialecticians-especially Buddhists Heras, moreover, highly honoured by the king of Grålior
A dialectician of the Samkhya school vaned Vadisimha paid & visit to Anahilapura and challenged the learned wen of the city to meet him in a public debate. Jayasimha, rho was rery jealous of the honour of bis kingdom in matters of learning, approached Viracharya's guru, who sent Vīrācharya to fight him The Jain Acharya is also said to bare defeated one Kamalakirti, & Digambara dialectician. Another learned Jain monk who, at times, attended Siddharaja's ass.
21 Prabhavahacharita, pp. 264-6. 22 Ibid, PP 206-7.