fourteen, be composed the Traividyagoshthr. Among his other works may be mentioned the Tridasataranging, the AdhyatmahalpadrumaSāntarasabharana, the Upadeśaratnahara, the Janastotraratnahosa, the Jayānandacharita, the Sant harastotra, the Somandharastutz, the Palshiksattari and the Angulasattarz.
When there was an epidemic at Delarada, he compcsed the Santikarastotra and varded off the eril At Sirohi, when he removed the difficulties of the peasants, the king being pleased with him, prohibited hunting and proclaimed "amari," thereby asking his subjects to refrain from taking the lives of innocent animals. Jaffarakhana or Dafarakhan8, the Xaik or headman of Cambay, had conferred on Munisundarasűri the title of “ Vadi Gokulsankata, "
Jayachandrasūri, another pupil of Somasundarasūri, tas & very learned man His biruds were
Krishna-Sarasvati' and " Krishna-Vágderata "? He was the author of the PratyālhyārsthānaLizarana, the Samyakatva-Kaumud and the Pratikramanavidhi (& D 1449-50 )
(85) Telangara, Nos. 1572 and 1800, Desai, Loc cit, pp. 4645
(86) Somasaubhagyahavya, I, 2-3; Gurugunaratnahara, 67-71; Oza, Bajputanala Itihasa, p. 566, f 2.
(87) Peterson, IV, 107 ; Jain Sahityano Itthaea, 46%.