for a long time; so Jagadu took up his work and began to serve ghee to the people.
The stories quoted above show that Jagadu was a great donor whose resources were almost unlimited and that he was able to compete with even great kings and that he was invited to the court by Visaladeva of Anahilavada and much honoured.
The date of Jagadu's death is not known. From the Jagaducharita, it seems he survived for same years after the great famine. As his death was mourned by Arjunadeva of Anahilavada, he must have died before V. S. 1331 (A. D. 1274-5), the last year of Arjunadeva's reign
Pethada was another prominent Jain of this period. Deda, Pethada's father, lived in Nanduripuri in Avantideśa. Fortune smiled upon him and he became exceedingly rich. The king of Nanduri, wanting his wealth, cast him into prison for some time. When Deda was released, he left Nanduri and went to Vijapur. From Vijapur, he went to Cambay, Won great fame by his generosity and came to be known as 'Kanakagiri'. Once he happened to go to Deogiri