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similar to or different from every other entity, how then is it possible that the common idea of "being an entity" is found to appear only in connection with the jar and such things, and not in connection with the crow's teeth. It is so because the said restriction is due to a certain capacity in their natures. Though, according to Jainism, all things in the form of entities are not different from one another, their capacity may be regarded as the required "commonality. This is also called the Niyatavṛtti. Without accepting this limitation anything could be transformed into any-thing else.
Later the Jainas dealt with the difference among things. They say that if a jar were entirely devoid of dissimilarity to those other things, then there being no difference between them, the jar could not be anything different from those things. This would involve a self-contradiction. When one is ready to accept some sort of difference among things, he has also to accept dissimilarity as a particular character.46
Thus according to the Jainas' view, like the gleaming Sapphire, every entity, while being one, has several aspects. Of these, some are apprehended by inclusive notions, and others by exclusive notions. Those that are apprehended by inclusive, and hence spoken of as Common, while others, which are apprehended by exclusive notions, are exclusive and hence said to be Particular. The inclusive notion appears in the non-distinctive form of "This is an Entity'', while the exclusive appears in the distinctive form "this is jar, not cloth". Vastvekatmakamevedamanekākāramiṣyate.
Te canuvṛttivyavṛttibuddhigrahyataya sthitaḥ. Adya ete'nuvrttatvātsāmānyamiti kirtitāḥ, Viseṣastvabhidhiyante vyavṛttatvättato 'pare.47 Nature of relation of an entity
The nature of an entity is also a controversial point among the philosophers. For instance, the Naiyayiikas, the extreme realists, think that relation is a real entity. According to them, it connects the two entities into a relational unity through conjunctive relation ( samavaya sambandha ). Conju