Pramana :
The Jainas have developed a systematic theory of Logic. They have made significant contribution to Pramāņa Ŝastra.
Upayoga is the essential characteristic of the self. Acārya Umasvāti says that Upayoga is the inherent and essential characteristic of the soul". Upayoga has conative prominence. In my book - Some problems in Jaina Psychology" I have suggested that the concept of Upayoga is the anticipation of the concept of Horme, a psychophysical energy; purposive, which is responsible for our getting experience. The hormic force determines experience and behaviour. William McDougall has
65 Tattvarthadhigama-sütra-II. 8.
66 Kalghatgi (T G.) Some Problems in Jaina Psychology (Karnataka University, Dharwad, 1961) Chapter-III.