GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS patica-ratha 'temple with five projections. puntoa-fékha door-frame with five ornate jambs. panca-tirahka image with five Jina figures. paitara miniature apsidal shrine: same as nida. parikara '
subsidiary figures of an image.
hoose. patra-lata a frieze depicting creeper with foliage.' . patra-sakha jamb of a doorway carved with foliage. parta
plain or ornamental band. paffika
slab-like moulding; a top-moulding. phalaka abacus. phänsand architectural term from western India for a superstructure of
horizontal tiers (pid has); same as Orissan pidhd-deul). pitha
socle or pedestal-base. prabhāvali nimbus round an image. pradaksina circumambulation. pradakşina- circumambulatory passage.
patha präkära
enclosure-wall of a temple. prāggrīva porch-projection, same as agra-mand apa. prastara
entablature of the south-Indian vimåna. pratiratha projection coming between the bhadra and the karna.
räjasenaka lowest moulding of a kaksäsana or balconied window. ranga-mandapa a pillared hall open on all sides. ratha
projection of a shrine. ratna-fakha jamb of a doorway carved with diamond-pattern. rupakantha a recessed course carved with figures or a frieze. rūpa-sakha jamb of a doorway carved with figures.
sabhd-mand apa same as ranga-mand apa. sabha-marga an elaborate ceiling comprising multiple coffered cusps. daduram (Tamil) square section of a south-Indian pillar.