In relation to these sculptures, the terracottas lack in artistry and seem to repeat an archaism which they had inherited. Among those from Vaisal there are about a dozen figurines identified with Naigamega, the Jaina deity of child-birth. They are characterized by an animal-face with goat-like features and long dangling ears having either pierced holes or slitmarks. Generally the mouth is indicated by a deep-cut slit just below a hooked nose. Three types are evident in the Vaisali terracottas of Naigameşa viz., female, male and couples, either with a child or without it; among these the female type is predominant. In the similar figurines of Kushan period horns over ears are an added feature. The excavations at sites IV and V of Kumrahar have supplied a dozen of such figurines belonging to Period IV (circa A.D. 300-450) and Period V (circa A.D. 450-600). They represent the male and female varieties and are similar in style to the Vaisali specimens. All these terracotta figurines are hand-made and have nothing like the sweeping charm of Ahicchatra Naigameşa figures. Cursorily hand-modelled, archaic and crude, they appear to belong to some hieratical tradition which had not been transformed by the touch of the classical plasticity and sophistication. There is, however, a suggestion that among the Paharpur terracottas some 'older panels might have been readjusted when the Jaina monastery was reshaped during the eighth century." Paharpur, it is said, witnessed a transformation of art-idiom from Gupta to medieval," but the extant finds fail to reveal Jaina affiliations of any such art-activity.
Pp. 229-34.
"Stella Kramarisch, Indian Sculptures, London, p. 216.
1 Krishna Deva and Mishra, op. cit., p. 51, plate XII C 7: Sinha and Roy, op. cit., pp. 162-63, pl. LII, figs. 1-9. Sinha and Roy classify Period IV of Vaišäll, to which these terracottas belong, as chronologically covering circa A.D. 200-600.
For Harinegameşa, see U.P. Shah in Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, XIX, 1952-53, pp. 19 ff.
V.S. Agrawala in Ancient India, 4, 1947-48, p. 134.
Krishna Deva and Mishra, op. cit., p. 51.
Agrawala, op. cit., pp. 134-37, plate XLVIII A.
C.C. Dasgupta, Origin and Development of Glay Sculptures in India, Calcutta 1961,