In the commentary to the cannonical texts, the *paramanu' is defined thus: Paramanu' is the ultimate cause of the formation of a 'skandha' 1 e., it is the primary element in every material substance. It is the minutest particle of all matter, it is eternal 1.e. it existed in the past, it exists in the present and it shall exist in the future, it possesses a single colour, a single odour, a single taste and two touches; it is perceivable only by its effects ie a single atom cannot be seen by the eyes or any other physical instrument Its existence is to be known by the collective actions and reactions of several 'paramanus'. "Only the omniscient and those who possess a very high degree of "visual intution (param avadhi jnana), can perceive and cognate the nature of a single 'paramanu'."20
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Disparity among "Paramanus"
Until recently modern chemistry believed that there are 9221 independent elementary atoms of matter or elements But, Jain Philosophy never believed in such uninterchangeability of 'paramanus'. According to Jam view, in course of time, any atom can transform itself into another one, which may be totally dissimilar to the former. Very recently, this view, viz, transmutation of atoms, has been accepted by the most modern physics and chemistry. All 'para
Bhagwati Shataka 8 U 18
21 Upto now the science is able to find 102 primary elements