In the field of Syadwad, Lord Mahavira also has replied to many questions in different contexts in different ways The basic tenets of the universe and its creation are also explained relatively. When asked1 whether the ultimate atom of matter is permanent or transitory, he replied that it is both. From the viewpoint of substance it is permanent, but from the viewpoint of its external properties like the colour etc, it is transient. It is changing at every moment. The same reply has ben given by Lord Mahavira about the nature of the soul. Einstein also asserts that natural studies are relative In the very first postulate of Theory of Relativity, he says that, 2"Nature is such that it is impossible to determine absolute motion by any experiment whatever" Why so? In reply to this question, whether the determination of absolute motion is possible, Sir James Jeans says, 3"Rest and motion are merely relative terms A ship which is becalmed is at rest only in a relative senserelative to the earth, but the earth is in motion relative to the sun, and the ship with it If the earth were stayed in its course round the sun, the ship would become at rest in relation to the sun, but both would still be moving through the surrounding stars Check the sun's motion through the stars and there still re:mains the motion of the whole galactic system of stars
1 Bhagawati Shatak 7, Udeshak 2
2 Mysterious Universe P 78
3 Bhagwati Sutra 14-34