Making this elucidation still simpler, the Acharya "said, "The essential liquid product from the cow'was
destroyed in the form of milk but was created in the - form of curds and it continued to exist as a cow-pro
duct in both forms. One, who is living purely on .milk will not take curds, one who lives purely on cards will not take milk and one who does not take Cow-products avoids both Thus these are qualified conditions of the negation of the activity named drinking."
Thus various contradictory qualties do exist in the same thing in various relative conditions. When .a layman asked the Acharya about the nature of his Syadwad, 1 he raised his little finger and the finger near it and asked which was bigger out of the two The Teply was that the ring finger was bigger He now raised only the middle finger and the ring finger and asked which was the smaller. The reply was the ring finger Acharya said that this is our Syadwad. You „yourself called the same finger bigger and smaller in different contexts. Syadwad is as simple as that.
The Theory of Relativity also is equally difficult as well as simple. It is so difficult that even great scientists have not been able to fully comprehend it. It is said, "It is so mathematical that only a few hundred men in the world are competent to discuss
1. Pragyasutra Vritta Pad Bhasa