JAIN PHILOSOPHY & MODERN SCIENCE the 'ism' (Wad) or the system of thought which is based in determining the science of Reality on Relativity is Syadwad. This is the analytical meaning of the word
The "Theory of Relativity' can be translated in Hindi as 'Sapekshalawad' or 'Sapekshwad'. It also more or less means the same as Syadwad. If the two woras are used synonymously there would not be any objection This is the reason that Dr Radhakrishnad has translated Syadwad in his "History of Indian Philosophy" as "Theory of Relativity." The very fact that the two theories originating from different premises converge in one name gives rise to a great amount of curiosity and speculation
Both Easy and Difficult
Both the theories in their own respective fields have been proclaimed to be simple and yet difficult Let us take Syadwad first Its complexity is well known. Wherever the non-Jain scholars have tried to say something about it, their critical estimates reveal that they have not been able to grasp the real significance of Syadwad M. M Dr Ganga Nath Jha, MA, D Litt, LL D., Vice-Chancellor, University of Prayaga says "When I read the logical opposition by Shankaracharya of the Jain Theories, I began to believe that there is so much in this Jain Theory which the Vedantic Acharya could not comprehend, and with whatever little knowledge of Jain Religion I have