195 gait will be crooked like that of a camel; they will possess unsymmetrical joints of the body, they will appear ugly due to unsymmetrical ribs and bones. The maximum height will be one foot, and life span will be 20 years The river Ganga and Sindhu will only be as broad as the path of a cart. There will be plenty of fish-like water-creatures. Water will be scarce. There will be a few human being remaining like seeds They will stay only on both sides of the river bank They will come out of their burrows, only one muhurt (48 minutes), before the sunrise and one muhurt after the sunset and will cook the fish etc., in the hot sand and eat them This type of situation will last for 21000 years 2 This is the last moment of degenerauons, after which the other half wheel je utsarpin will commence from the beginning, the situation will improve again. Gradually pure winds will smooth ram will fall, and tirere will be favourable temperature The human beings residing in burrows and other protected places will again come out from there and move about in the frec atmosphere of the earth. The population will increase, the villages and cities will be reconstructed, and till the last days of utsarpını, the whole atmosphere of earth reaches the peak of evolution In this way one time-wheel is completed" Here it is also to be understod that this time-wheel does not affect other places of the universe as ours.