This is the scientific opinion about the creation of the carth Further it is shown that at the time of separation from the sun, the earth was not hike an orange, but it was somewhat pointed like a pear During its fast rotation this pointed portion was detached from the earth and it continued to rotate about the earth This is the Moon, which is as famihar to us as the Sun But according to the most modern science, the history of rotatio ndoes not end here. The moon rotates round the earth, and the earth together with the moon, rotates round the sun But the sun itself is not stationary. The Sun together with the planets like the earth also rotates round some other larger planet, and this planet round another one and SO on At the time of creation, the temperature of the earth was so high that the whole of it was gaseous. Gradually that ball of gases became colder and solidified A time was reached when relatively more solidified internal portion started to depart from the external lighter and less solidified portion As the time passed, the internal portion became more and more soldified while the outer cover was rarified into an envelope which can be called a predecessor of the present atmosphere. That external envelope or atmosphere first remained like a thick fog, through which the rays of the sun could not pass, but gradually the rays piercing its vapour-envelope reached the internal sphere. By the entrance of the rays and their continuous contact, clouds were formed and conditions of monsoon were