JAIN PHILOSOPHY & MODERN SCIENCE Indian Philosophers is not based over the natural and associative-dis-Associative change. Their objection, rather is, over the emergence of a totally non-existing existant. Let the dialectical materialists continue to assert that qualititative change is that where a nonexisting element originates, but the Indian philosophers have discarded this and have proved long ago that all this change is the natural property of a substance which has innumerable characteristics; and that its origination and decay depends upon different view points like space, and time etc. Consciousness has never been the quality possessed by matter and it shall never be so in future too. To talk of the creation of consciousness from matter is equivalent to the creation of an object with form such as a pot, out of a formless void. The form and the form-less-ness, the consciousness and the matter are absolutely opposite things.
Negation of Negation The third stage of dialectical materialism is the negation of negation Its definition has been given in the foregoing pages just as we began this subject. This definition, in relation to soul appears to be as invalid as was the definition of qualitative change
To those who understand the three-fold stages of origination, the decay and the persistence, the threefold dialectics regarding the question of origin of soul appears to be quite ordinary. It can be believed only as an accepted obstinacy of Marxism to tie up the changes