exist after death, O, Lord""
Buddha "O, King' the answer to this question is also inexpressible "
On this the king said to Lord Buddha, "O, Lord' then should we say that Tathagata both exists as well as does not exist after death."
Lord Buddha replied, "This too is inexpressible".
Thereupon the king asked "O, Lord' why is it left unexplained?"
"To answer this why?" Buddha said, "I ask of you O, King' if there is anyone in your court who can count the drops of water in an ocean or the particles of dust in the desert
"There is no such man, My, Lord"" the king said
"Why?" asked Buddha of the king And the king was satisfied with the indirect answer to his question of 'WHY'?
The question of soul and rebirth becomes shrouded in deeper mystery as we study the above dialogue between Lord Buddha and King Pashan. Let us therefore, examine this from whatever knowledge we can obtain from another important dialogue between Nagsen and the Greek King, Millind.
Nagsen has explained very explicitly and clearly