THEORY OF ATOM Dames for the same thing'. In fact, there now exists a simple mathematical equation for converting energy into mass and vice versa. 6 After this much. discussion, we easily come to the conclusion that. radio microphones and loud-speakers etc have amply Justified the stand taken by Jainologists for the nature of sound Sound, even though a form of energy is not different from matter To convert the sound waves into electric current and to radiate them in the form of electro-magnetic waves is, of course, & 'strong effort' and that is what the Jainologists had stated when they observed that: "If produced by a strong effort, the sound can reach the other end of the Universe"
Inzage, Reflection and Television
Jainology descmbed the phenomenon of optical Images thus "Every visible material body radiates at every instant its own image and this is propagated. in all directions in the whole universe, away from the body Wherever it encounters a reflecting sur face it is reflected Reilecting bodies are mirrors, oil, ghee, water etc It appears that the development of Television in the field of science is based on and illustrates this principle This has made it possible to send the image of somebody speaking in one comtry to another country on either sides of ocean. Just as a radio mechanism transforms the sound
46 M-EC or E-MCZ