Compressibility of Flatter Jainology states that a number of 'paramanus' may sometimes occupy a large space azd the same number of 'paramanus' may be compressed densely and may occupy a fraction of that space A general rule about this property and compressibility can be stated as under
"A singlcfrce paramnanu' can fully occupy its equivalent of space V12 one space-point, on the other hand their property of co.npressibility eaobles infinite 'paramanus' also lo he contained by a single space-pont sınıultaneously”
Science has not been able to reach the above stage of knowvlcdgc rogarding the relation of space End batter, but higlily dense sukstances have bee3 recently discovered wlucl support the statements of Jaunolosy Gold, mercury, lead and platinum etc are commonly beleved to be amongst the heaviest suyslurces on carti: The difference between the weight of a cubic inch of wood and that of iro.2 is well known The cole reason for this, is the difference in density of matter The amount of space occupied by a smaller number of wooden molecules and a large multiple of this number of metallic molecules is the same Some celestial bodies are believed to be two thousand times more dense than platinum In the words of a famous scientist "In some of these bodies (small stars) the matter has become so densely