Mimänsä मीमांसा
Critique, examination,
disquisition Mimansadvāral मीमासा द्वार Gateway of investigation, Anuyogadvara अनुयोग द्वार Disquisition doors. Mismisa
मिस-मिस Rattling. Misrabhāva मिश्रभाव
Mixed disposition, Mixed
volition. Misragunasthāna मिश्र गुणस्थान Third spiritual stage, Mixed
stage. Misramohaniya मिश्र मोहनीय
Mixed deluding Karma. Mišra yoni मिश्र योनि Mixed birth place. Mita मित
Measured. Mithya anekānta 722 37701a False polyviewism. Mithyā caritra मिथ्या चारित्र Wrong conduct. Mithya darsana मिथ्या दर्शन Perverted faith, Wrong faith. Mithya drsti मिथ्या दृष्टि Wrong view, Wrong believer,
Non-righteous, Wrong
faithed/ faith Mithyā jnana मिथ्या ज्ञान Wrong knowledge. Mithyā mama - FARZT A - May my sins be anulled. duskrtain
दुष्कृतं Mithyatva मिध्यात्व
A thom, Wrongness. Mithyatva - femra TOEFT First spiritual stage, Wrong gunasthāna
faith stage. Mithyopadesa मिध्योपदेश False instructions. Mitrānuraga मित्रानुराग Affection for friend. Mleccha म्लेच्छ
Non-aryan, Non-cultured. Moha/Mohaniya Te, toita Delusion. Moha misrita & fapientiam intermixed with delusion. Mohaniya karma मोहनीय कर्म Delusion/deluding karma. Moksa/muktv मोक्ष, मुक्ति,मोचन Salvation,