Dharm Vrodhi Dharma updesa
धर्म उपदेश
May righteousness increase, A self-study type, Religious sermon, Aids of religion, Reflection on religion,
Dharma upkara धर्म उपकर Dharma-anupre - kşă Dharma-avarna - off-tquiats vāda Dharma-cakra धर्मचक्र
Ill-speaking of religion,
Wheel of religion/holy law,
Reflection of Jair teaching,
Dharma-svākhyā tatva anupreksa Dharma-tirtha Dharmi
-691641deat अनुप्रेक्षा
Dharmopadesaka धर्मोपदेशक Dhấtu
धातु Dhrauvya
प्रौव्य Dhști
Holy path, Minor term, Subject of syllogiism, Religious teacher, Elements, Root matter, Metal. Continuity, Permanence, Female deity, Reflection, Latency, Stead-fastness, Moving for salvation, Lasting-grasping, A fault in food, Non-idoator sect of Svetembaras, Incense, Range, Meditation, Intervalised meditational state. Course of meditation, Meditator, Direction, World conquest,
Dhruvacari ध्रुवचारी Dhruvagrāhi धुवग्राही Dhūmadoşa धूमदोष Dhundhiya pan- दूढिया पंथ tha Dhupa Dhvana
ध्वान Dhyana
ध्यान Dhyanántariki ध्यानांतरिकी Dhyānapravaha ध्यानप्रवाह Dhyata
ध्याता Dig-dravya दिग् द्रव्य Dig-vijaya दिग्विजय