A. D. 700 Another Jaina logician by name Abrika is referred to in the Tattvasangrahal and his views are criticised by Kamalas'ila. S'antarakṣita does not mention him, nor is he known in the Jaina literature. Abrika may be the nickname of some important Jaina logician because no one would care to bear such an ugly name as Ahrika 'shameless', but it is imposible now to identify him with any other Jaina author. On the strength of Kamalasila’s reference to him he may be placed about 700 A. D. though he may quite conceivably be considerably older. His view on Syadváda is that every entity is possessed of two qualities, general and special. The first gives rise to the cognition of it as an entity and the second to the cognition of its special characteristics. A pot, for instance, is an entity as all other things are, but it is different also from all other things by its special characteristics.
A. D. 670-720. A Jaina Digambara logician by name Sumati is referred to in the Tattvasangraha' and his opinions are quoted and criticised by Kamalasila. No Jaina logician of the name of Sumati is known. His time may be assigned to 700 A. D. but as he is, in the Tattvasangraha, represented as criticising the views of Kumirila he may be a trifle older. But the materials at prosent available do not permit us to place him earlier than Kumarila. His time may therefore be fixed at 670-720 with some degree of confidence. An entity, he affirmed, may be one, but it may have two qualities, general and special. By one of the two qualities it does not differ from other things while by the other it becomes different from all other things. He further held
1. Tatlvas. pp. 486, 487. 2. Tattvas. pp. 379, 382, 383, 489, 496. 3. augurat: guiferafinite ar ta Rotare-Tattvas. p. 379.