which are only external and are merely outside influences? The pare knowledge is that which does not feel the difference of the subject from the object, and in consequence does not get desires which are the causes of sufferings and the consequential oyole of births and rebirths. By this kind of instruction, which is wanting even in Lord Krşna's teachings, Baddha has rightly boen termed as the foremost of all the greatest philosophers, and is considered an immortal and a Divino Being. To support the divinity of Buddha our author quotes the Buddhist scriptures (Agamas) and gives a piece of very useful information. He says that in the heaven occupied by the Akaniştha Devas, there is a portion which excludes the Suddhåvåsa gods and which is dedicated to the Åryas. Above this there is the Mahesvarabhavana or 'the abode of Maheśvara'. When the Bodhisattva takes the last birth after crossing the ten Bhuinis he is born here and immediately under his suzerainty one Buddha is born in this world. When the Bodhisattva enters the abode of Mahes'vara he obtains omniscience and remains there until all the Universe is liberated, prior to his disappearance in Nirvana.' The Bodhisattva is always compassionate
1. एतदेवहि तज्ज्ञानं यदिशुदात्मदर्शनम् ।
आगन्तुकमलापेतचित्तमात्रत्ववेदनात् ॥ ३५३५॥ अवेयवेदकाकारा बुद्धिः पूर्व प्रसाधिता। दयोपप्लवरल्या च सा संबुदैः प्रकाशिता ॥३५३६ ॥
-p. 913. 2. द्वयनैरात्म्यबोधे च न्यादिसाल्पभाविनः ।
रागद्वेषादयो दोषाः संक्षीयन्तेऽप्रयत्नतः ॥ ३५३९ ॥ इदं तत्परमं तत्वं तत्त्ववारी जगाद यत् । सर्वसम्पत्तदं चैव केशवादेरगोचरः ॥ ३५४०॥
-p. 914 3. परगत्यात्मसंसारबहिर्भावान मलता।
बुद्धानामिप्यतेऽसामिः निर्माणं तत्तथा मतम् ॥ ३५५०॥ अकनिष्ठे पुरे रम्ये एखावासविवर्जिते।
बुज्यन्ते तत्र संबुद्धा निर्मितस्त्विह बुध्यते ॥ ३५५१॥ -pp. 915, 916. Kamala'tla further addr-अकनिष्ठा नाम देवास्तेषामेकदेशे शुवावासकाविका नाम
देवाः । पत्र हि आर्या एव शख भावसन्ति । तेषामुपरि माहेश्वरभवनं नाम स्थानम् । तत्र परमभविका एव दशभूमिप्रतिष्ठिता बोधिसत्त्वा उत्पयन्ते । इह तु तदापिपलेन तथा निर्वाणमुपलभ्य इत्यागमः ॥