WOKWORD then able to give instruction on the voidness of everything out of their compassion for the human beings. Why then shoald you not accept these words, even though they emerge from inanimate objects ?
4. Certainly the omniscient looks at all things by one Vijñana and at one and the same time. It is quite possible to perceive even contrary things in one knowledge, either in the Sakaravijñanavada or in the Nirakaravijñänavada. Though he gets the knowledge of all things one after another even within a few moments he knows everything. Whenever S'anya is realized it becomes easy for one to become onniscient, because he is at once free from such sufferings as attachment, hatred, etc. which are mainly caused by pride in self. Being imbued with compassion on all beings and desirous of helping them to realize S'anya, he comprehends always the true nature of all things and knows all things at once. The omniscient is the best authority on Dharma, and hence it is fruitless to discuss whether his knowledge is either formless or endowed with a form.
: We cannot close up this essay without recording our cordial thanks to Mr. Newton M. Dutt, Curator of Libraries for his valuable help in revising the MS of the Foreword and reading the proofs of same.
.: We desire also to record here our appreciation of the valuable and angrudging services rendered to us by our esteemed assistant Pandit K. S. Ramaswamy S'astry S'iromani, the Srauta Pandit in the Central Library Baroda. His extensive knowledge of the Philosophical Literature of India, and especially, his thorough acquaintance with the Mimâmså literature have proved to be of great helpfulness in preparing this essay. In rendering such invaluable service he was actuated by his devotion to both S'ântarakṣita and Kamalas'ila for whom he has learned to cherish a genuine love. But for him it would bave been impossible for us to give a detailed