XXI. Traikâlyapariksa.
Escamination of the three times. 1. As gold is held to be continuous in all its changes, some Buddhists also maintain that entities remain continuous in all its changes in different times; for example, though mud changes into a pot or a dish it is always known as mud. There are four Buddhists who accept the entities continuous in the three times past, present and future.
(i) One maintains that an entity exists in all times, but it takes three courses, past, present, and future one after another, but in all its changes the entity is continuous. He is called the Bhaványathavadin.
Dharmatráta. (ii) The second maintains that an entity is having three courses always. When a thing is present it certainly has the seeds of the past and future; just as a man who loves one woman does not give up his attachment for other women. He is called Lakşaņânyathavadin.
Ghosaka. (iii) The third maintains that an entity does not differ when passing through the three times. But it is said to be past, etc. according to the action which has the power to produce an effect or result. When the action is present in an entity it is called present, when it gives up action it is known as past, and when it is going to have action it is called future. He is called Avasthányathavadin.
Vasumitra. (iv) The fourth maintains that an entity in reality is the same in all its changes of times. But it is called past, etc. in view of its three conditions. The thing which is in its previous condition it is called future, which has already obtained the previous condition and is going to have the after condition, is called present, and that which is in its after condition only is called past; just as a woman is called a mother or a daughter in view of her relations to her son and father. He is called Anyathânyathika. Buddhadeva.
2. If the entities do not exist in the three times, then the Vijñānas of the objects of either the past or the future will be without their objects.