• 6. If you think that external objects meant by the words and the words themselves are one, how tbon will your thesis be valid, as we have already proved that no external object can be represented by the word ? If you hold that the word itself appears in the mind with another form of the object then there will be no difference between this and the following argument. ..
7. The form of the mind cannot be said to be the meaning of the word because one form of mind will not remain in other moments when the word may next be used. Without knowing the power of the word how can it be used in the different forms of the mind?
8. If the word 'cow' for instance is the only cause of the knowledge of a cow and if this knowledge really depends on the external object, then the word cannot reasonably be the cause of the different kinds of knowledge such as grief, joy, etc. in different persons; because an object, the knowledge of which is produced by the word cannot have so many forms. If on the other hand these Vijdanas depend not on the different forms of the object but on the tendency of the mind how, then can people take action on external objects which really do not exist? If the external objects are created according to the power of Vijñânas, and on those actions are justified, then what is the reason of this misconception of taking action on things which do not exist ? If the reason is the negation of the opposite, in that case you accept our theory.. :
: Again, the external objects being momentary cannot be understood always by the words, because they are differing every moment. If they are not momentary then the Vijñanas can not be produced one after another. : 9. ..We acoept two kinds of negations, positive and negative., Positive negation may differ again according as it is internal or external. The Vijñana of a cow is internal and positive negation because a cow is nothing but a negation inasmuch as it is by nature different from the not-cows. The Vijfâna also which is caused by the word and is possessed of the reflection of the cow is called negation of the opposite for three reasons, bocu toe Huis