found for the filament of the lotus or the eye-like marks on the peacock's tail (Mayaracandraka). If it cannot be found it certainly does not exist. Such is the case with this diversified Universe. Similarly, the feelings like pleasure, pain etc., have no causes, because they appear only at times.
Refutation. The filaments of the lotus, etc. have the seed, mud and water as the causes. Why then should we search for other causes which are not to be found ? If all things are self-existent why should they appear at times and at different places. It is clear therefore that they should have similar things as causes and nothing else. We cannot decide that all effects are self-existent because their causes are not seen. The reasons adduced in support of the theory of self-existence themselves prove that causes are required to produce an effect, otherwise reasons will not be required to establish this theory which is always self-existent.
V. S'abdabrahmaparikså.
E.camination of the theory of Word-spirit. The Grammarians hold that there is nothing in this world except the Word-spirit.
1. There is only one eternal thing in this world and that is the Word. All visible objects are only the manifestations of this Word-spirit, and they have no real existence.
2. This one and eternal Sound also is understood through ignorance as manifesting itself into many objective forms endowed with colours, such as, white, yellow etc. They are not really different from Sound.
3. The ascetic who is emancipated and is endowed with right knowledge is able to discover that there is nothing real except the Word-spirit.
Refutation. 1. This theory is untenable because if the word-spirit leaving his own form takes the forms of other objects it cannot be termed