Kirika XXW 676 Objects of axternal organs introduced... 17 Specific and gross objects of the functions of intellectual
... organs explained 178 Do. do. organs of action
Karika XXXV 179 The importance of the internal organs
Kārikā XXXVI 180 Predominence of Buddhi ... *81 The external organs as modifications of Attributes
Kārikā XXXVII 182 Purther grounds for the Superiority of Buddhi 83 Cbjection: absence of Mukti-Reply thereto
Karikā XXXVIII 184 The Subtile character of the Tanmātras 185 The gross Elements produced out of the Termātroa 186 These are Specific because soothing, terrific and doluding
Karikā XXXIX 187 Three sorts of Specific Objects ... 188 Subtile bodies are permanent
. Kārkā XL 189 Subtle body unconfined and permanent 190 Objection: Two bodies unnecessary,--and reply 191 Question: How does the Subtle Body migrate ? Raply. 192 Subtle Body Dissolving at cach Pralaya ..
Kārikā XLI 193 Existence of the Subtlo. Body proved ...
Käriká XLII 194 Reason and manner of the migration of the Subtle Body, 195 Power of the Subtle Body due to Nature
Kariká XLIII 196 karidental and Essential Dispositions ... 197 filosh, blood. &c., related to the gross body
Kiriki XLW 198 Consequences of the various means introduced i 199 Virtue leads to higher planos and vice to lower ... 200 From tho rovono, the reverse-the-throcfold bomber