Therefore, the question of authorship of Sașțitantra is still undecided.
(2) Rājarārtika. In the Tatt. K., we find the following three verses from Rājavārtika
" प्रधानास्तित्वमेकत्वमर्थवत्वमथान्यता । पारायं च तथाऽनक्यं वियोगो योग एव च ॥
शेपवृत्तिरकर्तत्वं मौलिकार्थाः स्मृता दश । विपर्ययः पञ्चविधस्तथोक्ता नव तुष्टयः ॥ करणानामसामर्थ्यमष्टाविंशतिधा मतम् ।
इति पष्टिः पदार्थानामष्टभिः सह सिद्धिभिः" । The first verse is quoted also in the Sarvopakāņņi (ch. 8. S., No. 246, p. 100 ). These sixty categories resemble the sixty categories treated of in the Ahırbudhnya Samhita (Jay., int., p. 5; S. S.. pp. 70-73). It is impossible to determine the authorship of Rājavārtika. Garbe thinks Bhoja is the author (s. Y. p. 7). These maulikārthas are enumerated with slight variations in Jay., Math., Samkhya-tattva-vivecana (ch., s. S., No. 245, p. 22 ), Tattva-yatharthya-dipana (ibid. p. 80 ) and Tattva-samāsa-sūtra-vrtti ( ibid. p. 135).