In the case of अनुमान and शब्द, only the three अन्त:करणs function. They can operate simultaneously and gradually both, but they do not depend upon the cognition of senses at that particular moment.
XXXI 37797 - Davies observes :- Akūta is glossed in the Petersb, Lexicon by Absicht ( = purpose), Antrieb (=motive). Colebrooke's translation is “incited by mutual invitation."... ......The meaning of “incitement to activity,"mentioned by Wilson, expresses more nearly the sense of a kūta ...... It is composed of ā, to, towards, and kū, to cry. Gaudapāda says that it means ādarasambhrama ( respectful eagerness in action ).' (p. 68, In ).
Davies is wrong in considering that is correct in applying this verse to the three internal organs only (See Davies, p. 68, in ). All the other commentators apply it to all the organs, for each and every say functions for goari.
The spirit of the Hi. .., “ Hata amar" ( 111. 56 ) and “FETTATE: THAT " ( 111. 57 ), goes directly against the theory of the areals, where no $is mentioned. Nor is the position helped by विज्ञान's remark. vis, प्रकृतिलीनस्य जन्येITFT FATA: : HÄN: Faila Tau 397747 09:' spune Sfat: fel. FTFHTE, FACUTETTEYE CETTETET Patrego: Il ........ hittaray. विरोधस्तत्राह-ईदुशेश्वरसिद्धिः सिहा । सानिध्यमात्रणेश्वरस्य सिद्विस्तु सर्वFATTY: 1 ( fi. &. III. 57).
XXXII The three functions of seizing, retaining and manifesting are, as Davies rightly points outs ( pp. 69-70 ), common to all the organs. Thus "the organ of sight seizes and holds the impression conveyed by an external object and manifests it to manas." (ibid). According to it, ora and TOT