the nose, the tongue, the citta, the manas and the buddhi are the eight instruments of knowledge, etc. It is said there : पुण्यपापक्षयार्थं हि सांग्व्यजानं विधीयते । तत्क्षये ह्यस्य पश्यन्ति ब्रह्मara mi ag ll .(Verse 39). Thus we see that this dialogue deals with theistic Sānikhya. The quotations from Devala, as found in the Aparārka, a commentary on the Yājñavalkyasmrti, resemble the Tattvasarāsa very much ( See Yājñavalkyasmrti, Anandāśrama, Edn. II, pp. 986-7). Kane, in his H. Dh. Vol. I, p. 121, says that Devala was a contemporary of the Smrtıkāras, vis., Brhaspati and Kātyāyana. And the age of Katyāyana according to him is between the 4th and 6th centuries A.D. ( see p. 218 ). But Udayavīraśāstri says that as Devala is frequently alluded to in the Mahābhārata, his age must be d-termined by the age of the epic in its present form. The Mahābhārata according to western scho. lars ( says Mr s'astrı ), assumed its present form by the 2nd century B.C. (P. O. c. Lahore, JI p. 865 ). But according to Prof. Winternitz, the epic assumed its present form by the 4th century A.D. (See H. I. L. I. Pp. 465–475 ). Devala does not seem to be much older than Isvarakrşna. The theory to the contrary does not seem to be convincing. It is based on the following quotation from the Mātharvrtti : " IRITOTT प्राप्तमिदं ज्ञानं ततः पन्चशिखेन तस्माद् भार्गव-उलूक-वाल्मीकि-हारीत-देवल matarman", (p. 84 ), where the word prabhrti is taken to indicate a wide gap between Devala and Isvarakrşņa. But the traditional list found in the Mātharavrttı does not tally with any other such list. Therefore, Māthara's quotation can only establish Devala's priority to Isvarakrsna and nothing else.
9-26. Sanaka, etc. Gaudapāda ( on Kār. I ), quotes a verse and a half in which he anumerates the names of the seven sons of Brahman. They are: Sanaka, Sananda. Sanātana, Āsuri, Kapila, Vodhu and Pancasıkha. But in the Mahābhārata, the list is different ( s'āntı. 340, 67–69 ), vis., Sana, Sanatsujāta, Sanaka,