another in different proportions, one predominating over the others. The other commentators take त्रिगुणतः and समुदयात् both, as referring only to the creative activity of refa.
ärefit:-Those who are contented or those whose aim is to get the nine kinds of gres (dealt with in 4 50). But apao here refers to only the five external (ara) gfes. The internal (आध्यात्मिक) तुष्टिs are gaaned after the attainment of the discriminative knowledge of the Spirit and the non-Spirit. The internal gfes are not referred to here. Therefore, atao says-अध्यक्तं वा महान्तं वा, etc.
The reading igarriera, adopted by Wilson, is not supported by so, who reads Featralg. Wilson's reading of the text is an obvious mistake (based upon, perhaps, the
Fi. 7.- Tantecald, I. 140 ), as it is not supported by any commentary.
___ दृष्टान्तदृष्टसर्वधर्मानुरोधेन, etc. In order to prove that a संघात is arrů, pop, etc., are given as an illustration.— Just as Feli, आसन and the rest, being संघातs, are परार्थ, so अव्यक्त and its constituents are for another person, viz., gen. But in this illustration, पर 15 शरीर, which is itself a संघात; and thus पुरुष also becomes a Bata. On this atao remarks that if you go to establish the similarity of all the qualities found in a Eure with all the qualities found in a 97, then there can be no inference. The point is cleared in the m ains (Chowkhamba edn., pp. 344-345) and the organá matcrizinit ( Kāshi Sanskrit Series, No. 24, p. 600 ).
TheTart—is the strüeral of gata, as a charioteer is that of a chariot. Question :-But, a charioteer is active, and your पुरुष, being निर्गुण-निष्क्रिय, is not active, how can he become an Sprum? Reply :-It is not essential that only an