व्यक्त and अव्यक्त सामान्य
असामान्य अचेतन
चेतन प्रसवधर्मि
अप्रसवधर्मी Similarity of पुरुष to व्यक्त and अव्यक्त and difference of व्यक्त frorn अव्यक्तव्यक्त
अव्यक्त अहेतुमत्
अहंतुमान् अनित्य नित्य
नित्य अव्यापि व्यापि
व्यापी सक्रिय निष्क्रिय
निष्क्रिय अनेक एक
अनेक आश्रित अनाश्रित
अनाश्रित लिङ्ग अलिङ्ग
अलिङ्ग सावयव निरवयव
निरवयव परतन्त्र स्वतन्त्र
स्वतन्त्र It should be noted that गौड० and माठर say पुरुष एकः, which 1s opposed to the doctrine of पुरुषबहुत्व. जय० andवाच०, therefore, rightly point out that पुरुष is similar to व्यक्त with regard to अनकत्व. After discussing this point, Wilson concludes“Either, therefore, Gaurapada has made a mistake, or by his eka is to be understood, not that soul in general is one only, but that it is single, or several, in its different migrations; or, as Mr. Colebrooke renders it (R. A. S. Trans. Vol. I., p. 31). 'individual'. So in the Sutras it is said, that there may be various unions of one soul, according to difference of receptacle, as the etherial element may be confined in a variety of vessels' (I, 150). This singleness of soul applies, therefore, to that particular soul which is subjected to its own varied course of birth, death, bondage and liberation; for, as the commentator observes 'one soul is born, not another (in a regenerated body). The singleness of soul, therefore, as asserted by Gaurapada, is no doubt to be understood in this sense." (p. 65 )