tion. viz., that which indicates, or which is the characteristic of car. This is the sense taken by a77. also. But start itself is a characteristic (लिङ्ग) of पुरुष. It is for this reason that वाच. remarks-tar a a Paraty por gente para ena 19: On this, S. N. S. remarks that it “ seems hardly adequate to the contrast intended between the evolved and the unevolved. (p. 32, in.)
Why can there be no oragaraylangt between 1997 and gie, etc. ? Because, between these, the relation is Fhara (=identity or तादात्म्य ), and not संयोग. There can be no संयोग between the press and the qe produced out of them. But, will there be any in between gia and STEETT, etc. ? No commentator answers this, although, here also we can show that अहङ्कार, being a product of बुद्धि, stands in समवाय relation to बुद्धि. It is for this reason that गौड०, माठर and जय० explain the word अवयव as शब्द, रूप, स्पर्श etc., But they land themselves in another difficulty; for, the entire a i (vis., gis, 345FIT etc. ) cannot be called as TETRAITEAFT. If it be urged that these 75 and the rest do reside in a latent form in gfs and the rest, then it may be pointed out that $176 and the rest do reside in a latent form in gut also. Even arac, who tries to avoid this difficulty, has illustrated this szi as—ATE 1202187: 97896 संयुज्यन्ते एवमन्येऽपि ।
T77H-Although, each of the twenty-three afats is subordinate to the other in the ascending order, yet, ultimately, all are subordinate to TBA. Again, although ga is indepen. dent in producing अहङ्कार, and the latter in producing the इन्द्रिय and the FFAIATs, yet each one is ultimately dependent upon gaat, the fountain-head of all energy.
XI PROCTA-The three gols or Attributes are the essence of प्रकृति; प्रकृति is nothing but these three गुणs in equilibrium.
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