century A.D. ( F. O. Schrader in a letter to me from Kiel, March 1, 1927 ). In the Mātharavịttı we find : " Tu courrura
TATATERT" a quotation from the Hastāmalakastotra which is of the age of Sankarācārya (i. e. 780-812 A.D., See Int., Māth., p. 5). Therefore, it is wrong to decide the age of Vindhyavāsa or İs'varakrşņa on the basis of the Kanaga. sattari. And, if Vyādı alias Vindhyavāsın, is the author of the Hiranyasaptati, then the latter is certainly different from the Sāṁkhykārıkā, and Vindhyavāsın is different from Isvarakrşņa. Otherwise the date of lóvarkrsna will have to be pushed back to the 4th century B. C. Therefore, it is safe to conclude, as Keith also says, that there are more than one Vindhyavāsins and that their dates are uncertain (s. S., 79 in; also, Karma., p. 59 ).
5. Vårsaganya We are as uncertain about Varsaganya as about the former teachers of Sāmkhya. We find two quotations from him in the Vyasabhāşya: (1) "grogaritamateriaafa gegyfraisa ardag.1" (11 53, (2) “TOTAİ R ua Tenja i 17 grege TI FANT FEJFY 11 " ( Ibid. IV, 13 ) Vacaspati thinks that the latter quotation is taken from the Şaştıtantra. This very verse is quoted by Vācaspati in his Bhāmatī with the remarks : “sta CT VOTETTEN acuarea 341 FH Huarg arg. pot: 1" (on the Brahmasūtrabhāsya, il 1, 3). Another quotation from Vārşaganya, “ *99991 39' CATE FH hara anfrag: 1" is found in the Tatt. K. (on Kārikā 47 ). The quotation—" gcuratei Tariganal" found in the Gaud., and the Māth. (Kārıkā 17 ), is ascribed to Vārşaganya by Keith ( S. S. 73, 3n ). All these lead us to the conclusion that the Chinese tradition ascribing the authorship of the Saştıtantra to Pañcaśikha is not trustworthy. There is also considerable doubt as to Vārşaganya being the author of the Sasțitantra (Jay. Int. pp. 4-6; Hiriyanna: "Sasțitantra and Värşaganya".