- XV271]
that when these two have been produced there is nothing left to be produced by her; hence, Nature "ceases to be productive".
“Under the influence of purpose"; i. e., by the force of discriminative Wisdom. The scven forms of Evolution - Virtue, Vice, Error, Dispassion, Passion, Power and Weakness—are all due to erroneous knowledge. Dispassion also as of those who have it through mere contentment is due to erroneous knowledge And this erroneous knowledge is removed by its opposite--true knowledge. And thus the cause, erroneous knowledge, being removed, its effects in the shape of the 'seven forms' are also removed, and thus is Nature ' turned back from the seven forms of coolution.'
"At ease", 1.e inactive, “Pure", 1.6., unmixed with the unpurities of the Will due to Rajas and Tamas Attributes,though to the last moment the Spirit continues to be in slight touch with the Will abounding in the Sattva Attribute;--as otherwise no vision of the Nature in the said condition would be possible.
(271) Objection — " This may be so. We have nothing to say against your statement as to Nature ceasing to be productive. But Evolution has been said to be due to the connection (of Spirit and Nature); and this connection is only a form of capability; and the capability to experience constitutes the 'sentience' of the Spirit, as the capacity of being the object of experience constitutes the 'insentience' and 'objectivity' of Nature; and these two capabılıtıes can never be said to cease; it cannot be said that they cease because there is nothing left to be done; because though one set of objects may have been experienced by the Spirit, there might be others of the same kind still to be experienced; as is found to be the case with the perception of sound and other objects of sense". (Thus no emancipation is possible). Answer: