(262) Objection -“This may be so. But Puruşa (Spirit), being devoid of Attributes and Modifications, how is any emancipation possible for him ? For emancipation consists in the removal of bondage ; and bondage being only another name for the Karmic residua imbued with dispositions and troubles, it is not possible for the unmodifying Purusa. And as the Puruşa is devoid of action, it can have no migration—which latter is only another name for Rebirth. Hence it is meaningless assertion that 'Evolution 13 for the purpose of the · Puruşu
The author meets the above olvection by accepting it in the curse of winding up his disquisition
Kärikā LXII . Thus verily no Spirit is bound, or emancipated: nor Bondage and does he migrate; it is Nature alone that release in reality having many vehicles is bound, or is apply to Nature released, or migrates.
(263) Verily no Spirit is bound, nor does any migrate; nor is any einancipated. Nature alone, having many vehicles, is bound, migrates and is released. Bundage, migration and release are ascribed to the Spirit, in the same manner as defeat and victory are attributed to the king, though actually occurring to his soldiers, because it is the servants that take part in the undertaking, the effects of which-grief or profit -accrue to the king. In the same manner, experience and emancipation, though really belonging to Nature, are attributed to the Spirit, on account of the non-discrimination of Spirit from Nature, as has been already explained. So our doctrine is entirely sound
(264) Objection .-"We understand that bondage, migration and emancipation, though really belonging to Nature, are ascribed to the Spirit ; but of what good are these to Nature herself ?" Answer :