(198) Question :-“ We have understood what are 'causes' and ' effects in general ; what are the particular effects of particular causes ?"
Answer :
Kärikä XLIV By virtue (is obtained) ascent to higher planes, Consequences of by vice, descent to the lower; from the various means wisdom (results) the Highest Good;
and bondage from the reverse. (199) “By virtuc ctc"1.0., to the Heaven and other Virtue leads to regio higher planes
“By vice, etc,” 1. C., to the nether regions known as Vice to lower Sutala etc. “ From wisdom, the Highest Goodl." Nature ministers
to the experience of the Spirit only so long Wisdom brings about beatitude as discriminative wisdom is not brought
about; after, however, this has been accomplished, Nature finds its work in connection with that particular Spirit entirely fulfilled, and accordingly retires from activity so far as that Spirit is concerned. As is declared, “The Operations of Nature continue only till the attainment of discriminative knowledge." “ From the reversc, etc." i. e., from wrong knowledge, results bondage. (200) This bondage is of three kinds : Natural
'Evolutional' and Personal', (1) The From the reverse Natural' bondage is that of those who of the above, res.. pectively, contra. worship Nature as the Spirit, with reference dictory results. to such men, who are called “Prākrtıka' The three kinds of bondage
(Merged into Nature'), it is said in the Purīņas : “ The contemplators of the Un.